Thursday, September 3, 2009

22nd Week, Ordinary Time, Fri, 04.09.09

Col 1:15-20
Lk 5:33-39

Change is not exactly easy to accept.

Maybe because we have our own reservations about change: will it be better or for worse? After all not all change is for the better.

Take for example, when the popular computer operating system XP was changed to Windows Vista.

That change didn't go down well with a number of users.

Even Jesus would acknowledge the fact that change is not easy to accept, when He used the phrase "The old is good".

But yet Jesus did not say that the new would not be old.

Hence, the example of the new wine in new wineskin is indeed a good illustration.

The new wine over time, would be just as good, and maybe even better than the old wine.

Jesus came to renew all creation; Jesus came to renew humanity so that mankind can now have a deeper meaning and existence.

In the beginning, man is made in the image and likeness of God.

But now because of Jesus, man now shares in the divinity of God.

For that reason, St Paul says that Jesus is the first-born of all creation.

So it all comes down to this: God descended into humanity, so that humanity can be raised to divinity.