Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thursday after Epiphany, 07-01-10

1 John 4:19 - 5:4
Luke 4 : 14-22

We have heard it said so often that "practice makes perfect" . Indeed it is true, and if practice makes perfect, then repetition enhances perfection.

For the past few days, the 1st reading was from the first letter of St. John.

By now, it should be obvious to us that the most frequently used word in that letter is the word "love", and that is because the over-riding theme of that letter is love.

In today's 1st reading we hear of at least three reasons why love of neighbour is so central in our lives as Christians.

Firstly, it says that we are liars if we claim to love God and yet hate our neighbour.

Secondly, how can we claim to love God whom we have not seen and not love our neighbour who is visible and even right before us?

Thirdly, because we believe in Christ, we have been begotten of God, and so we are God's children.

If we claim to love God our Father, we must love His children too.

These reasons may be rather repetitive, with the same things being said in different ways, but the point is clear.

That was also what Jesus said in the gospel when He quoted the passage of the prophet Isaiah.

In short, our belief and love for God must be expressed in our love for others.

Let us practice that love, repeat it ceaselessly and bring God's love to perfection in us.