Friday, May 7, 2010

5th Week of Easter, Friday, 07-05-10

Acts 15 : 22-31
John 15 : 12-17

The council of apostles and elders that met in Jerusalem to discuss the issue of the Gentile Christians was the first of many councils to come.

From that council, there are a lot of directions that the present day Church can learn from.

Firstly, they did not agree with some Jewish Christians who insisted that circumcision is necessary for salvation.

Furthermore they reinforced their decision with prayer and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

It is our belief that God chose us to be in His Church to be a sign of His love and salvation to the world.

With prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can help others to come to know God and to love Him.

With the Spirit of love in our hearts, we can indeed fulfill the commandment of love and also help others do the same.