Monday, July 19, 2010

16th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, 19-07-10

Micah 6 : 1-4, 6-8 / Matthew 12 : 38-42

Whenever we look at a religion, we look at its spiritual founder and what he taught.

But more importantly than the teachings are the fruits of the religion.

What effects does that religion have on people?

Similarly whenever we look at Christianity, we too have to ask: What effects does Christianity have on people, especially on Christians?

Well, Jesus was asked to give a sign so as to prove Himself.

He did not. Rather He highlighted a sign that the Pharisees obviously missed.

And that was the effects of His teachings on the people.

Whenever He taught, the people saw the need for repentance and changed their lives.

Religion is not just about worshipping and offering sacrifices.

It is about how our lives are changed and what God is asking of us.

The 1st reading puts it very profoundly and very practically about what God is asking of us.

That is to act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with our God.

That is also the sign we need to give, the fruit we need to bear, so that others can believe in the God we believe in.