Tuesday, August 24, 2010

21st Week, Ordinary Time, Wednesday, 25-08-10

2 Thessalonians 3:6-10, 16-18 / Matthew 23:27-32

First impressions are quite important.

Because usually from the first impressions, the opinions are formed, and these opinions might well be permanent.

That is why grooming schools teach people how to dress well, act well, talk well, etc.

The grooming schools focus on appearances and impressions, and whatever that is external.

But can the externals change the internal? Can externals change the heart?

Because we sometimes behave like the Mafia - those gangsters wear Italian fashion suits to commit murder.

Obviously, looking good does not necessarily mean that a person is good.

As Jesus said in the gospel, if we try to make a good impression with ulterior motives, others will eventually see through us.

The 1st reading would put it in a more obvious way - do not let anyone have any food if he refuses to do any work.

There is no way that we can keep hiding our ulterior motives and vested interests.

Yet, let us also recognize what is embedded deep in our hearts.

We are created in love and created with love.

Let that love be shown to others and they will know what love looks like.