Sunday, August 8, 2010

Monday,09-08-10, Singapore National Day

Isaiah 63:7-9 / Colossians 3:12-17 / Luke 12:22-31

Some time back, I was driving along Benjamin Sheares Bridge and enjoying the scenery.

On my right was the business district with its tall buildings. On my left was the harbour with the anchored ships.

It was a beautiful sight. But compared with those old paintings of Singapore in the early years of her founding, it was an awesome sight.

How did we become such a developed and vibrant and progressive country in such a short time?

We can attribute it to good leadership and government. We can also attribute it to  assets like a deep harbour and a strategic location.

But we also know how short we are on natural resources and how dependent we are on trade and services and economic stability.

As we celebrate our country's independence, we also turn to God to express our thanksgiving and dependence on His blessings on our country.

We know that what our country is today is a blessing from God and we must continue to pray for our country for peace and harmony and stability.

As loyal citizens and as Church, let us celebrate our country's independence and give thanks to God for His blessings.