Sunday, October 31, 2010

All Saints Day, Monday, 01-11-10

Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14 / 1 John 3:1-3 / Matthew 5:1-12a

 Back in the year 1800, a 16 year-old boy had to leave home to find work to support his poor family.

The only thing he knew was how to make soap which he learnt from his father.

So he set off with all his worldly possessions in a bundle dangling from his hand, and with the words of his mother in his head – Seek first the kingdom of God.

On his way, he met the captain of a canal-boat and when he heard of the boy’s plans, he gave him this advice.

“Start right and be a good man. Give back to the Lord all that belongs to Him of every dollar that you earn. Make an honest soap and you will make it through life.”

When that country boy arrived in the big city, he found it hard to get work.

Remembering the last words of his mother and also the godly advice given him by the captain of a canal-boat, the youth dedicated his life to God, determining to return to God an honest tithe of every dollar he earned.

So, when his first dollar came in, the young man sacredly dedicated ten cents of it to the Lord.

This he continued to do as he became more successful.

He set a company which manufactured soap and the business grew miraculously.

The honest proprietor and businessman dedicated two tenths of his earnings; and then three tenths, four tenths; and then five tenths.
He was also a philanthropist and gave to charity and good causes.

Soon his make of soap became a household word throughout the world.

So who was that 16 year-old boy in this story?
Well, his name is William Colgate. And who has not heard of Colgate’s toothpaste and soap products.

Well, this story is not an advertisement for Colgate products, but I am telling the story of William Colgate because of what he believed in.

He remembered his mother’s words : Seek first the kingdom of God.

He also remembered what the canal-boat captain told him : Start right and be a good man. Give back to the Lord all that belongs to Him of every dollar that you earn. Make an honest soap and you will make it through life.

In today’s gospel, Jesus is telling us what it takes for us to make it through life and to attain eternal life.

The Beatitudes are not just about good advice.
It is about the blessings that God wants to give us when we live that way of life.

The saints believed it and lived it out in their lives on earth, and now they live eternally with God.

If William Colgate can believe in the words of his mother and that of the canal-boat captain, all the more we must believe in the eternal words of Jesus our Lord.

Because they are the words of life on earth that will lead us to the life above.