Friday, April 8, 2011

4th Week of Lent, Saturday, 09-04-11

Jeremiah 11:18-20 / John 7:40-52        (2020)

One of the most convenient ways to come to a conclusion is to make an assumption.

In logic an assumption is a proposition that is taken for granted, as if it were true based upon presupposition without preponderance of the facts.
So whether it is a correct or an incorrect assumption, we usually begin by saying "I think ..."

But when the assumption is wrong, then the conclusion is also wrong.

In today's gospel, there were a lot of assumptions made about Jesus and specifically about His identity.

In the midst of these assumptions, an unexpected challenge came from Nicodemus.

He challenged the people to give Jesus a hearing and to discover for themselves who Jesus was.

But the assumptions far outnumbered and eventually drowned out the challenge.

We too have our own assumptions about who Jesus is. We also need to verify our assumptions about Jesus.

It is about moving from "I think that Jesus loves me" to saying "I know that Jesus is loves me".

We also need to be careful about making assumptions. For as the 1st reading puts it : But You, Lord of hosts, who pronounce a just sentence, who probe the loins and heart.

Making assumptions are not just out of convenience; we may not want to face the facts that are within us.