Friday, May 20, 2011

4th Week of Easter, Saturday, 21-05-11

Acts 13:44-52 / John 14:7-14              (2020)

The Old Testament has this very strong sense of reverence for God.

In Exodus 33:18, when Moses asked God to let him see His face, God replied : I will not let you see My face, for no one can see My face and live.

Such was the awesome reverence and the awesome presence of God.

Having said that, what Jesus told Philip in the gospel was indeed an earthshaking statement - To have seen Me is to see the Father.

That was not only incredible and impossible for people at that time to accept,  it may also be incredible and impossible for people of the present time to accept.

Yet among the founders of the world's religions, no one has ever said what Jesus said in today's gospel.

Jesus also said something else more earthshaking and heart-pounding.

He said that He will live in those who believe in Him and those who believe in Him will perform great and wonderful works.

So do we dare to say to others : To see me is to see God!!!

Sounds incredible and impossible, but that is precisely what we are called to be; we are called to be living and visible signs of the holy presence of God.

If there is anything we are asking from God, then let it be this : Lord, when others see me, may they also be able to see You.

That might sound incredible, but with God, that is not impossible.