Wednesday, June 8, 2011

7th Week of Easter, Thursday, 09-06-11

Acts 22:30; 23:6-11 / John 17:20-26           (2019)

There is this story of a philosophy professor who gave the class the question for the exam: What is courage?

The students had an hour to answer the question. So when the professor told the class to begin, the students began to write furiously to answer the question.

But just after about one minute, a student walked up to the professor to hand in his answer sheet, just one sheet.

Later when the results of the exam were announced, it was that student who got the top marks.

So what was his answer? Well his answer was just three words : This is courage!

Well, courage may mean an uncommon act of bravery.

Or it may mean a virtue that surfaces in a situation of fear.

Or it may mean faithfulness and perseverance in carrying out a dangerous task or mission.

That was what the Lord urged St. Paul in the 1st reading.

The Lord urged him to be courageous and to be faithful and persevere in bearing witness to Him.

And as we heard in the gospel, Jesus prayed for us that we be faithful to God and persevere in unity and bearing witness.

Jesus will give us the Spirit of courage. May we be brave in witnessing to our faith.