Monday, August 29, 2011

22nd Week in Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 30-08-11

1 Thessalonians 5:1-6, 9-11 / Luke 4:31-37

There is a game that is played often in parties and functions, or on radio and tv shows.

Generally that game is called "Name the tune" and the contestants try to guess the title of the song with just a few notes being played.

Of course that means that one has to be very familiar with songs in order to give the title of the song with just those few notes.

When Jesus spoke, His words carried power and authority. And it was the evil spirits that immediately recognized that it was the voice of the Holy One of God and were repulsed by it.

But we, the people of God, should be "impulsed" by the voice of God - we should immediately respond to it.

But if like what St. Paul said in the 1st reading, that we are living in the dark and are spiritually dead, then the words of Jesus would not find a response in us.

We would know if the words of Jesus will resonate in us when we are able to sense the promptings that God is giving us.

In the loud and noisy world, Jesus is playing for us a soft and gentle tune and that would awaken a response in us.

So everyday let us have a quiet time with the Lord so that in the noisy world we would still be able to feel and listen to the soft gentle promptings of Jesus.