Sunday, October 9, 2011

28th Week in Ordinary Time, Monday, 10-10-11

Romans 1:1-7 / Luke 11:29-32

As we begin a new day, we may already have in our minds a list of things to do. Yes for us who live busy lives, there are indeed many things to do everyday.

And when the day comes to close we might still have things that are not done yet, or not finished yet and we have to bring it over to the next day.

Yet as Catholics, we have to ask ourselves a deeper question. It is not about how much we are doing but rather what is the purpose and the meaning of what we are doing.

In the 1st reading, St. Paul tells us of what should be the purpose and the meaning of what we are doing and what should our lives be all about.

He said that his purpose and meaning in life is to preach the Good News and that essentially is about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Indeed, in whatever we are doing, we must show others a sign of the presence of Jesus, be it His love, His care, His mercy and compassion and forgiveness.

Just as Jesus took on human nature in order to be a sign of God's incarnate presence, we are now called to be signs of the presence of Jesus in the world.

The Good News is not just about words. The Good News is about presence - God's presence in the world.

Hence in all that we do, others must be able to see a sign of God's presence in us.

That is what is meant by sanctifying the day with our work. It is about holiness in all that we do.

And that is the sign that others will be looking for in each of us.