Monday, April 23, 2012

3rd Week of Easter, Tuesday, 24-04-12

Acts 7:51 - 8:1 / John 6:30-35

One of the important aspects of interpersonal relationship is that one should avoid a blunt criticism of the other party.

Even if it is a glaring defect or problem, one should find ways and means to put it across subtly and gently in the hope that the other party will slowly come to a self-realization of the problem or defect.

In the 1st reading, Stephen has failed in almost all aspects of interpersonal relationship as he sharply criticized the people, the elders and scribes for stubbornly resisting the Holy Spirit and even persecuted the prophets and now has even killed Jesus whom God has sent.

For not being diplomatic and sensible, Stephen paid the price, and it cost more than an arm and a leg - it cost his life!

But that also tells us what Stephen thinks about his life. His life is nothing less than a life in Christ and a life for Christ, and he was prepared to pay the price.

Stephen was called to witness to Christ in that particular way. But of course there are other ways to witness to Christ.

In whichever and whatever way, the essence is the same.

In the gospel, Jesus proclaimed He is the bread of life. Yes He is the bread of our lives.

Just as Jesus is bread of life for us, we too are to be bread of life for others, so that their hunger and thirst in life will be fulfilled.

Yes, witnessing for Christ is as personal as that - to be the bread of life for others.

And that would entail giving up our lives for others, just as Stephen did.

May Jesus, our bread of life, give us the strength to witness for Him with our lives.