Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Octave, Thursday, 12-04-12

Acts 3:11-26 / Luke 24:35-48

Coldness is essentially the absence of heat. Darkness is essentially the absence of light.

And death is essentially the absence of life.

When the risen Jesus appeared to His disciples, they thought they were seeing a ghost or something and that was why they were in a state of alarm and fright.

The term "ghost" here generally meant some formless mysterious spirit that can disturb or even cause harm.

So a ghost as understood then, is without a human life and existence, and also without human love.

But Jesus assured them that He is risen from the dead, and showed them the wounds of His hands and feet and even invited them to touch Him.

And He even said - A ghost has no flesh and bones as you can see I have.

And that should make us think. When others see us, what do they see in us? What do they see about us?

Do they react like they are seeing a ghost and get frightened and alarmed by our presence?

Or do people feel comfortable with us, and even feel the a touch of warmth and love by our presence?

The resurrection of Christ should bring us out from darkness to the light, from coldness to warmth, so that we can truly live a life of love and be a sign of the risen Christ to others.