Wednesday, August 1, 2012

17th Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, 02-08-12

Jeremiah 18:1-6 / Matthew 13:47-53

A creature can be defined as a living being whether it is an animal or human; or on a wider scope it could mean a created thing, whether animate or inanimate.

A more definitive meaning would be a being subservient to or dependent upon another being.

Although the word "creature" is not usually used for human beings, yet essentially that is what we are.

We are created by God; He is our Creator and we His "creatures", and we human beings stand at the apex of God's creation, because we are made in the image of God Himself and we are endowed with intellect and free will.

Yet if and when the creature wants to be independent and autonomous, then the order of creation is put into disarray and confusion.

In the 1st reading, the people of God were reminded of who is Creator and who is creature - "as the clay is in the potter's hand, so you are in mine, House of Israel".

It was not just a reminder, it was actually a warning to the House of Israel, that if they continue to be unfaithful to God and carry on with the evil and wickedness, then they would become like clay that went wrong and the potter would simply start afresh.

The image given in the 1st reading is clay; in the gospel, the image is the fish.

But whether it is animate or inanimate, we are reminded of our fragility as human beings.We are totally dependent on God and our lives are in His hands. 

Yet God is not just our Creator. God is also our Father who loves us and wants us to be with Him always. For when we are separated from God, we become neither animal nor human.