Monday, October 29, 2012

30th Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 30-10-12

Ephesians 5:21-33 / Luke 13:18-21

All things on this earth, living or otherwise, follow and adhere to the law of nature. It is this law of nature that gives order and even beauty to creation.

But if this law of nature is not followed, then the result would be chaos and confusion.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. If it does otherwise  and rises in whichever direction it wants or decides to stop whenever it wishes, then there will be total disorder.

Similarly, if mountains decide to move and trees decide to uproot and move about, we dare not think how to live in this world any more.

Hence when Jesus talked about the kingdom of God and used the imagery of a mustard seed and yeast, He is also saying all creation submits to God's law of nature and with that  there is order and beauty in creation.

That is also a remind for us, who are endowed with intellect and will, that when we follow the laws of life that God had given us then there will also be order and beauty in our lives.

Yet, by our freewill and freedom of  choice, we determine whether there will be order or disorder, beauty or tragedy in our lives.

Hence the first line of the 1st reading tells us what should be our rule of life - Give way to one another in obedience to Christ.

Yes, it is in obedience to Christ and His law of love that we humble ourselves and let others go before and ahead of us and even above us.

That is the law of life; that is the law of love; let us follow it and there will be order and beauty in our lives.