Tuesday, December 11, 2012

2nd Week of Advent, Wednesday, 12-12-12

Isaiah 40:25-31 / Matthew 11:28-30

We have been told that God does not suffer. Christian philosophy calls that the "impassibility" of God.

That is one of the attributes of God, besides others, to describe the divinity of God and how He ought to be understood.

Even the 1st reading described God as an everlasting God who does not grow tired or weary, and it is He who gives strength to the wearied, and He strengthens the powerless.

On the other hand, we experience pain and suffering in life, and we also suffer when we see our loved ones in pain.

God became man in Jesus Christ so that we can feel that God is with us in our pain and suffering.

In the gospel, Jesus invites us to come to Him with all our labours and burdens and He will give rest for our souls.

But He also invites us to shoulder His yoke and learn from Him. Our burdens won't disappear but with gentleness and humility, we will find our burdens lightened.

Indeed, we will always have our burdens but with Jesus we will put out wings like eagles and we will run and not grow weary.

Let us pray for a gentle and humble heart during this Advent. Then we will be able to offer our enemy forgiveness, our opponent tolerance, our friend our loyalty, our customer joyful service, to a child a good example and to all charity.