Tuesday, February 26, 2013

2nd Week of Lent, Wednesday, 27-02-13

Jeremiah 18:18-20 / Matthew 20:17-28

Modern day science and technology have been able to give a rational and logical explanation to what was previously thought as the mysteries of nature.

What was thought of as strange and even terrifying, like solar eclipses, have been given a scientific explanation and we even know when it is going to happen.

Furthermore, man has also landed on the moon, so even the mystery of the moon has been conquered.

Yet one mystery that could not have an explanation is how evil can be returned for good. We see it happening so often and yet there is also nothing we can do about it.

That was what the prophet Jeremiah was lamenting about in the 1st reading. He was called by God to proclaim repentance but yet his enemies were plotting against him.

He had pleaded for them before the Lord to turn His wrath away from them, but now he cried out to God: Should evil be returned for good?

And yet we also see the same thing happening to Jesus. He even told His disciples that He will be handed over to His enemies and they will condemn Him to death.

Yet, even as He said all that, His own disciples seemed oblivious about it and were thinking about their own interests and how to gain position and status.

They have yet to understand that they will have to drink the cup of suffering and face evil even though they may not have done anything wrong, or for that matter of fact, were doing good.

Yes, there can never be a logical or scientific explanation to the mystery of evil and suffering in this world.

Yet if we can understand that Jesus our Lord came, not to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many, then we would be prepared for what is to come.