Sunday, March 24, 2013

Monday of Holy Week, 25-03-13

Isaiah 42:1-7 / John 12:1-11

Among the words that are tainted and laden with regret are these words: I should have ...

We have heard these words being used in different ways and various kinds of situations.

For example, "I should have taken the opportunity." ; "I should have gone home to see my parents."; "I should have done what I was told to do."

The "I should have ... " examples are many, and we ourselves have used it before, and often it is with regret we say it, and it leaves a sad and heavy feeling in our hearts.

And more often than not, the regrets cannot reverse the situation and it is also seared into our memories.

But in today's gospel, we hear of a woman who seized the opportunity to show Jesus an act of love.

And Jesus took note of Mary's act of love, and it also went into the gospel account, and that act of love is recalled each time the gospel passage is read.

As we enter into Holy Week, let us also seize the little opportunities to show Jesus an act of love.

Whether it is a time-out to be with Jesus in prayer, or an act of charity and love to others, it will be appreciated by Jesus.

It is still not too late to deepen our Lenten preparation and to make a Lenten offering to Jesus.

It may be late but it is better than to regret and keep saying "I should have ... "