Thursday, January 30, 2014

3rd Week in Ordinary Time, Friday, 31-01-14

2 Sam 11:1-10, 13-17 / Mark 4:26-34

The bamboo tree is a tall and elegant tree that is often depicted in Chinese art.

It is said that after the bamboo is planted, it takes about five years before the bamboo shoots begin to grow.

But once the shoots start growing, they can soar to a great height, to even as high as 100ft, in as short a time as 10 weeks.

Why such a long time of inactivity and how come such a phenomenal growth, we may ask.

Well, during those 5 years or so, the bamboo has been putting down an elaborate system of roots that reaches out far and wide.

It is an elaborate root system that enables the plant to grow so phenomenally, once nature triggers the above-ground process.

It is also the root system that holds the tall bamboo tree to the ground.

The bamboo tree tells us something about ourselves.

What we are externally is a reflection of what we are internally.

When we are deeply rooted in God and in other values of His kingdom, we will be like that small mustard seed in the gospel parable which grows into a tree that provides shade and shelter and bears fruit.

But to be deeply rooted in God calls for prayer, patience and perseverance.

We may fail and even fall, just as David in the 1st reading failed and fell.

We can become disappointed and discouraged with ourselves and with others.

In such times, let us turn to God in prayer and ask for the grace of patience and perseverance.

With prayer and with patience and perseverance, we will rise and grow tall like the bamboo tree and reach out to God.