Wednesday, March 19, 2014

2nd Week of Lent, Thursday, 20-03-14

Jeremiah 17:5-10 / Luke 16:19-31

The recent dry spell was certainly a conversational topic for us even though we live in an almost perpetually hot and humid country.

More than just talking about it, we could actually see the effects of the dry spell. It was obvious enough that the trees and bushes and the grass are drying up and wilting away and turning brown.

And there were even small bush fires here and there. If the dry spell were to last longer, it could be a big problem with our famous "Garden City".

But such a dry spell only shows the below-ground situation of the trees and bushes that line our roads and walkways and parks.

Like the example that was given in the 1st reading, a tree by the waterside trusts its roots to the stream. When heat comes it feels no alarm, its foliage stays green and never ceases to bear fruit.

Such is the man who puts his trust in the Lord, with the Lord as his hope.

But as for the rich man in the gospel parable, he put his trust in the things of earth - on food, dressing, pleasure and luxury.

But the things of earth will pass, and death will be like a scorching heat that will consume what we hold on tenaciously as our own. But we will still have to pass on. And where to?

When we put our trust in the things of above, then we will know where we will eventually go to. The bosom of God is our final resting place. We must keep reminding ourselves of that.