Tuesday, May 20, 2014

5th Week of Easter, Wednesday, 21-05-14

Acts 15:1-6 / John 15:1-8

Leaves on the ground are a common sight in our country, because we have many trees around and our country is also known as the "Garden City".

So there are leaves on the trees and plants, and there are leaves on the ground and the pathways.

But wherever they may be, the fact is clear. The leaves on the ground and pathways have fallen off from the trees and plants.

And the state of those leaves are clear to us - they are dead and in time they will wither away.

Those withered leaves will also have the similar message as what Jesus said in the gospel.

Jesus said that cut off from Him, we can do nothing, and we will wither and die.

But with Jesus and in Jesus, we will have life and we will reflect the beauty of life just as those leaves on the trees reflect the beauty of life.

To be joined to Jesus means we are to make our home in Him.

But in order to make our home in Jesus, there are things that need to be cut off and thrown away.

Obviously, sin and things that are unholy and not good are to be cut off and thrown away.

Then we can truly make our home in Jesus, and joined with Him, we will bear fruits of truth and love, goodness and beauty.