Sunday, May 25, 2014

6th Week of Easter, Monday, 26-05-14

Acts 16:11-15 / John 15:26 - 16:4

To talk about religion with someone is not exactly a comfortable conversational topic.

Furthermore, to talk about it with another Catholic may not be any easier than to talk about it with a non-Catholic.

Whoever it might be, we prefer to talk about how hot the weather is, where to find the best food, the price of cars, or whatever.

Yet, one of the most profound ways for God to move the hearts of people is through the sharing of our experience of Jesus.

That is one of the ways of witnessing. That was what St. Paul did in the 1st reading.

Through preaching the Good News and sharing the experience of Jesus, the Lord opened the heart of Lydia to accept what St. Paul was saying.

Of course not everyone will accept what we say or what we share about Jesus.

Yet, if people do listen, it is because the Lord had opened their hearts, and the Spirit of truth has guided them.

The Spirit needs us as His instruments and His mouthpiece.

May the Spirit of truth make us willing to open our mouths so that others will be willing to open their hearts.