Monday, October 13, 2014

28th Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 14-10-14

Galatians 5:1-6 / Luke 11:37-41

In Singapore, mobile phones are not just a gadget or an accessory. It has almost become a necessity.

There are something like 8 million mobile phones for a population of around 5.3 million. That is already quite amazing.

And to think that Singaporeans carry the high-end models is even more amazing. Although there are no statistics for it, it does seems that Singaporeans are rich enough to keep up with technology.

But a mobile phone, no matter how packed with technology in it, is all there is to it. Having a high end mobile phone and then buying another one would not increase the capabilities to either one.

In the 1st reading St. Paul was telling the Galatians that faith in Christ Jesus is all that is need. Circumcision and whatever else would not enhance or add anything to the faith and makes no difference either.

What really matters is that faith in Christ Jesus makes its power felt through love.

And that is also the teaching of Jesus in the gospel passage. It is not so much about cleaning the outside of cup and plate but the cleansing of the heart that must be expressed in works of charity.

Hence our faith in Jesus Christ is all we need. And what matters is that the faith must make its power felt through acts of love.

It is like having one mobile phone and using it to its optimum. There is no need to buy another mobile phone to complicate matters.