Thursday, December 4, 2014

1st Week of Advent, Friday, 05-12-14

Isaiah 29:17-24 / Matthew 9:27-31

A person's behaviour and psychology is often influenced by his background, his upbringing and his surroundings.

That being taken into account, and from the Christian perspective, a person's behaviour and psychology is also influenced very much by his faith and his experience of God.

And going by that perspective, it can be said that most of a person's behavioural and emotional and psychological problems may be resolved if they had the right understanding of who God is.

What people think of God will subsequently form the image of God in their minds. So when people expect too much from God and when their expectations are not met, then they will get disappointed and frustrated with God and even get angry with God.

We may even think that God only looks after those who are good and almost perfect, but the slanted and the crooked are being overlooked and ignored.

 But today's readings paint a different picture of who God is in order to clarify our image of God.

The prophet Isaiah says in the 1st reading that it is the lowly who will rejoice in the Lord, and the poor who exalt in the Lord God.

And in the gospel, it was the two blind men, who in their need, saw who Jesus really was. They were blind yet they had the right image of God in their hearts.

It goes to show that it is when we are weak and helpless, or even when we fail and have sinned, God will still love us and even reveal Himself to us.

When we realize that God loves us even in our lowly state, then we will also understand why Jesus accepted the lowly state of taking on human form and to be one like us.

Then our image of God will be clarified, and our Advent preparation for Christmas will also take on a deeper spiritual meaning.