Monday, March 30, 2015

Tuesday of Holy Week, 31-03-15

Isaiah 49:1-6 / John 13:21-33, 36-38

Is there such a thing as a meaningless task or doing something that is a total waste of time?

It is not likely that we would ever embark on a meaningless task or do something that would be a waste of time.

Whatever task that we embark on certainly has a meaning and we would be prepared to invest time in doing it.

But maybe along the way, when faced with failures and disappointments and frustrations, we lose direction and motivation and then the task at hand becomes a burden and end up as meaningless and a waste of time.

For whatever reason that Judas betrayed Jesus, it can be said that he didn't see any more purpose or meaning in following Jesus.

And Jesus knew that he was going to betray Him. He could have just cut Judas off and let him suffer the consequences of betraying Him.

Yet, Jesus offered him that piece of bread at the Last Supper. It was an act of appeal to Judas for reconsider what he was planning to do.

It seemed meaningless for Jesus to do it because in the end Judas was fixed on his intent.

But as much as it was meaningless for Jesus to do it, He still offered Judas that last bit of possibility of changing his mind.

Similarly, Jesus is always prompting us with His love and mercy to nudge us to get back on the right path of life.

Not to heed the promptings of Jesus would only make us face the consequence of a meaningless and wasted life.