Monday, November 16, 2015

33rd Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 17-11-15

2 Maccabees 6:18-31 / Luke 18:35-43

We don't have all the answers about life, and it's better that we don't pretend that we have those answers about life. Also we can't pretend forever.

Nonetheless, the questions about life are certainly worth thinking about and we can't pretend we have no questions about life.

And these questions will certainly arise when we are faced with distress and mortal danger.

In the 1st reading, Eleazar, the venerable teacher of the Law, respected and dignified in his way of life, had to answer the questions about life as his own life hung in a balance.

He could have pretended to eat the forbidden food which would be substituted with a food that he would be allowed to eat.

But he won't be able to pretend that he didn't cause a scandal and had given the young people a bad example. And with that he had to give up his life to stand by the truth.

In the gospel, the senior tax collector Zacchaeus also decided to come to the truth about life and about himself.

He even went to the extent of climbing a sycamore tree, an act which would expose him to public view but he was prepared for it.

So Eleazar and Zacchaeus showed what it means to come out and stand by the truth and to face the questions of life.

We can't pretend we have no questions about life, nor can we pretend we have all the answers.

The one question that we have to ask ourselves is: do we want to stand by the truth, and stand by it all the time?