Thursday, December 17, 2015

18th December 2015, Friday

Jeremiah 23:5-8 / Matthew 1:18-24

One of the most revered saints who had an important role in God's plan of salvation in the Bible was however surprisingly silent in the Scriptures.

St. Joseph was not quoted as saying anything though from how the gospel described him, we know he was a man of honour and he didn't want to put Mary into disgrace or any trouble.

What is interesting about St. Joseph is that the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and told him what to do with Mary and what name to give the child.

And he did what he was told. He would certainly have discerned about it and came to accept it as God's will and he carried it out.

Though he may not be called the patron saint of dreamers, yet as he slept the Lord spoke to him in dreams.

And it is amazing that St. Joseph could get down to sleep despite the turmoil and distress he felt about his future with Mary and the child that she bore.

Certainly, to be able to sleep, the mind and heart must be at peace and the body must be able to relax.

St. Joseph was able to sleep because he put his worries and anxieties into the hands of the Lord. And in turn the Lord revealed to him what he should do.

St. Joseph reminds us that God can only tell us what to do when we are ready to listen to Him. May St. Joseph pray for us that our hearts and minds and bodies be at peace and rest in the love and mercy of God.