Sunday, February 28, 2016

3rd Week of Lent, Monday, 29-02-16

2 Kings 5:1-15 / Luke 4:24-30

Whenever we want to buy a product, we would certainly take a look at the brand name.

Brand names are a big business. In fact, the brand name can be as important as the product itself, maybe even more important than the product.

In religious circles, if you carry the title of prophet, then you are indeed a religious brand name.

Yet, Jesus said in the gospel that no prophet is ever accepted in his own country.

Certainly, He was referring to Himself as well as the line of prophets before Him who suffered rejection and persecution.

Maybe because a true prophet does not carry a brand name.

But as it is, a product without a brand name is usually written off.

Yet, the prophetic word was often spoken by unlikely and even nameless people like the Israelite slave girl in the 1st reading.

It was through her that Namaan the Syrian army commander set off looking for a cure in Israel.

These days we hear of news about disasters and catastrophes happening here and there, and political unrest and wars almost everywhere, besides the usual economic woes.

Alongside such news are commentators, analysts, strategists, experts, all giving their 2 cents worth of comments.

But where is the prophetic voice? If only we could hear the voices of those suffering from the troubles of the world.

It is a voice that begs for peace and reconciliation. It is a voice that begs for the presence of God in our troubled world.

It is in listening to that prophetic voice that we will begin to realize our prophetic mission.