Thursday, March 31, 2016

Friday within Easter Octave, 01-04-16

Acts 4:1-12 / John 21:1-14

The Paschal Triduum of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, leading on to Easter Sunday is an experience for us who went through it.

Whatever that experience may be, it is still an experience of the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus.

That experience can have two effects on our lives. One is that our lives undergo a dramatic change. The other is that we will undergo a gradual change, and that is more likely to happen.

Even for the disciples in the gospel passage, the Risen Lord had already appeared to them twice.

Yet, they even went back to doing what they did before - they went fishing.

But it was in doing the ordinary things that they experienced again the Risen Lord.

Even for ourselves, we will continue to experience Risen Lord in the ordinariness of life and gradually we will change.

The change may be slow but the Risen Lord will not give up on us. The disciples in the 1st reading were the same as the disciples in the gospel passage but yet they were different - something had changed.

The experience of the Risen Lord and the new life of the resurrection had slowly but surely seeped into their lives and changed them within.

So it will be with us. When our eyes are slowly opened and when the darkness gives way to the light, we will see the Risen Christ in all things and we too will exclaim: It is the Lord!