Friday, May 6, 2016

6th Week of Easter, Saturday, 07-05-16

Acts 18:23-28 / John 16:23-28

Mention the word "hospital" and immediately some thoughts come to mind.

Thoughts like illness, pain, loneliness, suffering and even death. The mood is certainly depressive.

But like what Jesus said, He came not for the healthy but for the sick, and to call not the virtuous but sinners.

So in a sense, the hospitals are places of grace, and places where prayers are often answered.

Hence, hospital ministry and pastoral care for the sick is one of the top pastoral priorities of the Church.

In their pain, the sick turn to Jesus and those in the hospital ministry and pastoral care for the sick are the answer to their prayers as they bring them comfort, company and communion.

And that's what Jesus said in the gospel - Ask and you will receive, and so your joy will be complete.

Jesus may have ascended to the Father but He is still with us till the end of time.

His presence will be felt in the way our prayers are answered.

So no matter how depressive or  desperate or despondent the situation may be, prayer is the answer.

Life is fragile, but it can be handled with prayer.