Friday, September 23, 2016

25th Week, Ordinary Time, Saturday, 24-09-16

Ecclesiastes 11:9 - 12-8 / Luke 9:43-45

When we ask someone "How are you?", what answer are we expecting?

Or when others ask us that question, what kind of answer are we going to give?

Surely, we would expect, as well as give, polite but rather superficial answers like : I am ok. I am fine.

But beneath these polite and superficial answers is the reality of pain and suffering.

Even for Jesus, just when everyone was full of admiration for Him, He brought Himself and His disciples back to the reality of the cross that He must face.

Indeed the reality of pain and suffering is seared into humanity, especially that of being a Christian.

The 1st reading points out this reality of pain and suffering and death in a sober manner and terms it all as "vanity of vanities, all is vanity".

There will come a time when we look at all these "vanities" and say "These give me no pleasure"

Then we will begin to look for what would really give us happiness and joy in life.

May our search lead us to know that in God is our happiness and it is He who gives joy to our lives.

For when our lives on earth are over and we return to the dust of the earth, our souls can find rest only in God our Saviour.