Wednesday, January 11, 2017

1st Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, 12-01-17

Hebrews 3:7-14 / Mark 1:40-45

Certain attributes go well and correspond with each other, while others may seem to be rather disjointed with each other.

For example, gentle and humble seem to be like peas in a pod, and so do strong and firm.

On the other hand, mighty and gentle seem to be as different as oil and water. The same can be said of courageous and humble.

The leper in today's gospel is certainly courageous. As a leper, he can't come into contact with people as leprosy was seen as a contagious disease and he could be stoned or driven away should he want to come into contact with people.

But in a rather desperate and near-hopeless situation, he took the courage to seek out Jesus and to come before him.

And here is where he also showed his humility as he dropped to his knees and pleaded with Jesus to cure him.

It took a dreaded disease like leprosy to bring out the courage and humility of the leper to seek out the Healer.

Leprosy was a physical disease but it also has a spiritual meaning for us, Because sin is the spiritual leprosy that afflicts our souls and causes our hearts to decay and rot.

And the Sacrament of Reconciliation is there for us to obtain forgiveness and healing for our souls.

But we must have the courage and humility to go for it and to seek the Divine Healer who will restore us back to health and life.

Jesus will tell us: "Of course I want to forgive and heal you!" Let us have to courage and humility to go on our knees if we really want to have peace and joy in our lives.