Friday, April 7, 2017

5th Week of Lent, Saturday, 08-04-17

Ezekiel 37:21-28 / John 11:45-56

Other than rhetoric questions, generally questions probe for answers and the question will remain until there is an answer.

Today's gospel ends with questions, and those questions will have to be answered.

It was a questioning time for Jesus as His hour of reckoning approaches.

As He retreated to the countryside with His disciples, He could have just put those questions on hold. He could have decided to remain there.

He could have gone on with His work of healing and teaching in a quiet way, and those disturbing questions would slowly fade away with time.

Also many people would have supported Him and kept Him safe.

But Jesus knew that that was not the Father's will, so He moved out of His safety zone,  and it will be a move that will cost Him His life.

Hence, whenever we talk about doing God's will, we have to remember that it involves risk.

It involves moving out of our safety zone and moving out of our comfort zone.

But it is only in moving out that God moves in.

It is only when we move out to face the questions of life that we will begin to see what God's will for us is.