Sunday, May 21, 2017

6th Week of Easter, Monday, 22-05-17

Acts 16:11-15 / John 15:26 - 16:4

People who won't take a "No" for an answer can be rather difficult to work with or to please.

They can be deemed as demanding and pushy or even aggressive , so it is either their way or the highway.

And if they happen to be our bosses or superiors, then it can be rather stressful as we know that things won't be approved the first time round.

In the 1st reading, we heard of this woman Lydia and she sent an invitation to the disciples to come and stay at her home and she would take no refusal, ie. she wouldn't take "No' for an answer.

But the passage also said something else about Lydia. She listened to the Good News and the Lord opened her heart to accept the message.

The Lord called out to her and she couldn't say "No" to baptism. In fact, she and her household got baptized.

And it can be presumed that the disciples didn't say "No" to her, as they saw how the Spirit worked in her.

It can be said that in those who are led by the Spirit, they have a fire in their hearts that make them very zealous in their service for the Lord.

We may find them rather pushy and demanding but certainly not aggressive. May we see the Holy Spirit working in them, and through them the Lord may be telling us what He wants of us.