Thursday, January 18, 2018

2nd Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, 19-01-18

1 Sam 24:3-21 / Mark 3:13-19

To cut a loaf of bread into slices, all that is needed is a sharp knife that is just long enough.

We don't need a surgical knife for that, nor would we use a chain-saw. It would be ridiculous to do that - one is a wrong knife and the other would be an overkill.

But when the mind is distorted with crazy reasoning, then the result would be actions that are wrong or useless.

So for king Saul to pick 3000 elite troops just to hunt down David and his rag-tag rebel group was really an overkill.

But with his mind distorted and obsessed with killing David, king Saul just couldn't see how ridiculous and crazy his actions were.

But for David and his few good men, they did what is right and just - they did not raise their hand against the Lord's anointed, although they could have done so.

In the gospel, Jesus appointed the Twelve, and they were to be His companions and to be sent out to preach, with power to cast out devils.

All Jesus needed was twelve men who were willing to do as they were told.

All Jesus needs is for us to be willing to do as He tells us. And when we do as Jesus tells us, then our minds won't be distorted with crazy reasoning, and we will only want to do what is right and just.